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The Spectacular Delights of the White Desert in Egypt

Adesua Emmanuel 8 August

Where is the White Desert in Egypt Located?

First established in 2002, the White Desert in Egypt is a protected area and national park situated approximately 20 kilometers from the famous Farfara depression, which is about 45 kilometers away from the small town of Qsar El Farafra. Its close location to the Farafara Oasis in the New Valley Government makes it a popular stop for a spectacular day trip. 

The Farafra depression where the White Desert is located is just a tiny part of Egypt’s massive Western Desert. It is quite far away from the bustling heart of Cairo, about 270 kilomeeres to be exact. This stretch of the desert starts about 28 miles to the north of Farafra. Given its name, the desert is a meticulous white color, contrasting greatly with the rest of the region’s yellow sands. 

Where is the White Desert in Egypt Located?

What Will I Find at the White Desert in Egypt?

A look at the massive 300 square kilometer national park will make you think you’re on mars or some other planet. Flashing white chalk formations spiral into the ground, forming peculiar shapes that are unlike anything else in other desert landscapes. These strange yet oddly beautiful shapes jut out of white arid landscape, looking like a contemporary art exhibit not some naturally occurring rocks shaped simply by the wind.

The park is home to innumerous white chalk rock formations which have been formed, molded and erected to their current form through the process of thousands if not millions of years of erosion by the wind and the sand. The White Desert in Egypt is home to a number of cliffs which are clustered around the northern side of the depression. Along with these cliffs, travelers will be delighted to massive, towering sand dunes and a number of unique oases at different locations all over. 

Although it may seem that the White Desert is lifeless and dry, it is actually home to many unique animal species. In fact, the wildlife and fauna here are quite spectacular. Some endangered species actually call the White Desert their home including the Rhim and Dorcas gazelle. If you are lucky, you might even be able to spot a sand cat.

What Will I Find at the White Desert in Egypt?

The White Desert in Egypt is Not Just About Chalk Formations

Although they are definitely the main attraction, the rock chalk formations are not the only thing to see there. The sand around the dormant volcanoes is brimming with a wide variety of crystals, quartz and dark iron pyrites. Along with these crystals, one can also find a lot of tiny fossils from creatures that roamed the lands thousands or even millions of years ago. Where the floor is bursting with crystals, if you look closely you will find that the rock sculptures are actually comprised of crystals. The most well-known of these is the Crystal Mountain, made completely out of quartz.

Ain El-Serw in the White Desert in Egypt

This special place in the middle of the White Desert is unlike the rest. The dry desert landscape turns into a heavenly natural spring. It is shaded by clusters of palm trees and surrounded by other greenery, making it distinct from the rest of the desert’s dry and white ghostly appearance. In this special place, you will find three naturally formed pools of water, surrounded by the White Desert’s iconic natural marvels. It is actually quite mind boggling that all these unique terrains can exist side by side. This unique mosh posh of landscapes is what makes the White Desert so popular among travelers and desert folk for thousands of years.

The White Desert in Egypt is Not Just About Chalk Formations

The White Desert in Egypt is an Otherworldly Experience

The rock formations of the White Desert in Egypt twist and turn in quite theatrical ways. You will find a bunch of rocks being balanced on top of each other. Although it is a desert, it actually looks like some kind of arctic terrain, as if its covered in snow. Many organized trips venture out there and offer delightful camping experience in the middle of the desert. This way you will be able to catch the beautiful star-filled sky, swirling with glimmering lights and dramatic colors that you cannot miss. 

Under this kaleidoscope of stars, you will appreciate the surreal nature of this beautiful, all-white landscapes. Relish at the gorgeous wind-sculpted formations as they glow under the light of a thousand stars.

Although they are illuminated gorgeously at night, these sculptural monuments are the most beautiful for viewing either a sunrise or sunset. Imagine these chalk white structures glowing under the iconic muted oranges and crimson reds of Egyptian sunsets. 

Western End of the Farafra–Bahariya Highway

A bit far away the wind-blown sculptures, there sits spiraling chalk towers that jut out from the desert surface, turning into glowing white canyons. Within these white canyons, visitors will find huge lanes of sand. If you cross over to the east side, you will be able to have more shade and a bit more privacy as it is more secluded and tucked away. This is the best spot to camp. 

Discover the secrets of Egypt with Nile Cruise Vacation!

The White Desert in Egypt is an Otherworldly Experience

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